These are beautiful examples of what can happen when bystanders step in during a time of crisis. We, and I’m sure their families are so grateful for their acting, and doing everything they could to save these people when seconds count.

The stories below were saves from our very own Matt Adams Foundation naloxone kits. If you want your own naloxone kit, please message us confidentially. Naloxone works, it can save lives and you can too. 


I’m going to share my story of what happened last week… we all think we cannot do anything but we as a group can. Even if it helps one, that’s one more momma or poppa not getting a phone call…Of course.
In between my business I also do Lyft and Uber. Last week I got a ping to go to a night club. I see a young girl being led by 2 friends basically dragging her. Her head rolled back, her eyes rolling. Her friend starts yelling her name. At this time she starts turning blue. I lay her on the ground, I have a CPR kit mask. She wans’t breathing, no pulse, unresponsie. I yell for them to call 911. I hear one of them yell sobbing “she only did two lines”. I grab the narcan which I keep in my bag around me. Administered in her thigh. Still no pulse. No breath. Administered another narcan. She came to and at this time the EMT arrived. They told me she was one lucky girl to have someone aorund who didn’t panic like her friends. So yes, that’s my story. All I could think of is my god what if that’s my daughter.


While visiting a friend in Dallas last week, I was sitting in my car talking to my gf and heard commotion coming from the apartment behind us. I run up to the foyer as someone is screaming for Narcan. Luckily, I had an extra I attained from Matt’s foundation I keep in the vehicle just in case. I ran inside amongst a house full of strangers, ripped my shirt off to tuck behind the neck of a person who was overdosing (goods hangin out and everything as I wasn’t wearing a bra 😱) and tilted his chin up, plugged his nose and began giving mouth-to-mouth to a face bluer than the ocean while I screamed at Kirstie to throw me a ‘Matt Adams Foundation for Opioid Recovery Kit.’

It contained two vials of naloxone. I didn’t even bother with the sternum rub. This guy was code blue beyond no doubt. I drew the first syringe up and intramuscularly inserted the narcan and continued performing the most ferocious Janet Jackson-style CPR you’d ever seen. No response after two minutes and so I instructed Kirst to administer the second vial in his backside. I continue CPR for what felt like forever and he finally started gargling and coming to so I rolled him on his side and waited around for him to begin throwing up although he never did. I put my shirt back on and was met with praises to the hero degree.

Had I not been shown by Heather Starbuck what to do with the naloxone vials, I may have botched the job. But her diligent instruction and organization saved somebody’s life and I just kept reciting Matt, Heather, Britt, and Carrie’s names for all the credit. Matt, I know you were looking down, smiling. I felt it. Carrie, you would have cried. I saved his life but I doubt I could have had I never embraced your beautiful organization and been handed those kits to dispense and use. Brittany Adams-Kelly – I always remember you saying if your foundation could save just one life, your purpose would be met.

Well, you beautiful souls, I’m glad to report Blaine of Houston, TX, who happens to share the same birthday as me, is alive and well and I know this brings you so much joy as it has me.
